Fue Hair Transplant

Fue hair transplant is performed by taking healthy hair follicles with a method called fue and by transferring them to hairless area. Fue method, which is a technique that has been implemented since 2004, is open to technological developments, and it continued to be improved as of the date when it was started to be implemented. In Fue technique, hair follicles are taken one by one from the back of the head, which is called as “donor area”, by means of micro motor tips of 0,7-1 mm, and they are transplanted to the region where hair is sparse. Each “follicle” removed from the “donor area” contains doublet and triplet hair cells and these units are called grafts. During the examination, your doctor will decide on how much graft each patient will need before the operation.

How is hair transplantation performed with Fue method?

The first phase of hair transplantation with Fue technique is the preparation for operation. In this preparation, which takes approximately one hour, the patients are photographed, the area of hair transplantation is determined and all hair is shaved to be shorter than 1 mm. Finally, the “donor area” where hair follicles will be taken is anesthetized by using local anesthesia. In the second phase of the operation, the hair follicles begin to be taken from the area designated as “donor area”. This process lasts approximately 3 hours and is performed with local anesthesia. Hair follicles taken are kept in a special solution at +4 – +10 C temperature. In the next phase of the operation, the channels are opened for placement of the hair follicles. For this purpose, the area to be transplanted is anesthetized; and depending on thickness and depth of the hair follicles, special channel openers are used. In the last phase of the operation, hair follicles are placed in the channels that were opened. This phase lasts about 3 hours and the whole operation takes 6-9 hours.

Is Fue hair transplantation operation painful?

After Fue hair transplantation operation is finished, the area of hair follicles is closed with a bandage. This bandage is removed within 1-2 days. The patient is given antibiotics for the risk of infection and painkillers for mild pains.

How long does hair growth take after Fue hair transplantation?

The planted hair follicles become strong in about a week. During this time, the patient carefully washes the head and removes the crusts in the operation area. After the newly planted hair follicles grow within 2-3 weeks, the hair growing stops and the hair is lost. The reason for this is the splitting of the hair and the hair follicles remain in place. After a week, the hair begins to grow again, hair in the front area grows in 6-8 months and the hair in the top area grows within 8-12 months and takes its final form.

Do scars occur after Fur hair transplantation?

In Fue hair transplantation operation, bald areas or scars smaller than 1 mm may occur in the area where hair follicles are taken. The hair around this area hides these scars when it grows. Therefore, the Fue technique is considered as a non-traceable practice.

What should be considered before hair transplantation?

Since you will need a recovery period after the hair transplantation process, if you are working, you will need to take a leave for 7 to 10 days. Before the operation, aspirin-like blood thinners, depression medications, painkillers, vitamins E and B and multivitamins should not be consumed. The use of alcohol should also be stopped 7 days in advance.

What should be considered after hair transplantation?

After Fue hair transplantation, the transplantation area should be well protected for 7-10 days. Bandage which is used at the end of the operation will be removed on the 1st or 2nd day. Hair should be washed daily. Your doctor will tell you how to wash your hair. On the 7th day, incrustations will begin to spill. It is important to abstain from activities such as swimming or going to solarium for 2 weeks after the hair transplantation so that you can get better results from the operation.

Who can receive Fue hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation can be applied to every individual who does not have a significant health problem. During the examination, your hair loss type, your hair analysis and donor area analysis will be performed by your doctor who will  decide whether you are suitable for the treatment or not.

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