
Gynecomastia is an enlargement of male breast tissue, the most common breast condition in men. It is a very common problem in men and its prevalence can reach 30%. Although it is often confused with pseudogynecomastia, it differs from this disorder in many ways. Pseudoginecomastia seen in obese is the accumulation of fat in the breast without glandular proliferation. In gynecomastia, breast enlargement is mostly seen in the glandular tissue. Causes include some hormonal imbalances, alcohol, some antidepressants and bodybuilding drugs.

Swelling in the breast tissue can be seen in a single breast or in both breasts. Gynecomastia is classified as three different types in itself. The diseases we have mentioned can usually occur as 'Glandular gynecomastia'. This type is similar to the female breast, but there are non-milk-producing mammary glands and only the glandular type is present in the increase of these glands. In another type called 'oily gynecomastia', there is no increase in mammary gland tissue, only an increase in breast area lubrication and usually occurs due to alcohol or frequent weight gain. The last one is the 'mixed type', in which both types are seen together. In cases where drug treatment is not sufficient, gynecomastia is treated with surgery. With direct excision techniques, breast tissue can be surgically removed. Surgery is the only way out for people who feel psychologically unhappy and have gynecomastia complaints for a long time. However, this surgery is not performed for those whose testis size has not reached the adult size, that is, those who have just completed puberty. Because after the surgery, gynecomastia can be seen again in the patient.

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